Business Plan
Many business
plans fail to raise money because of the orientation of the business plan,
i.e., the plan focuses on the product or service, not the financial aspects
of the plan.
When we assisted
with the review of over 150 business plans for a three day Venture Capital
Conference for 23 venture capital companies, only 25 of the 150 plans
asked for specific funding, and only 12 had specific uses of funds and
exit strategies for investors. Venture Planning offers
sample business plans , complete with integrated financial
projections, so you can see plans that actually raised money.
Or, have your business
plan reviewed and Tuned Up by a Venture Capitalist today.
Investors Read a Business Plan
It is important to realize
that a potential investor will initially spend only 5 minutes with your
plan. The following areas will be evaluated, each area taking about 1 minute!
- Determine the
characteristics of (1) the industry and (2) this particular company
- What other
publicly held similar companies are there?
- Is there a
larger company that is extremely successful?
- Is the company
in a "glamour" field? (important to ensure a good public
- Determine the
terms of the deal
- How much of
the company is being sold for what price?
- What is the
form of debt or equity being requested?
- How will the
funds be used? Retire old debt (no a good idea)? Undertake new activities
that will in turn increase profitability,
- Review the bottom
line with special emphasis on years three through five. Earnings are
reviewed to determine company's valuation
- Determine the
caliber of the people in the deal (The most single important aspect
of the business plan.)
- What is the
track record of the founders and managers?
- How much balance
and experience does the inner management team posses?
- How long have
the members worked together?
- Who is the
banker and accountant and what are their credentials?
Answered by the Business Plan
- How much can
I make?
- How much can
I lose? (including loan guarantees, opportunity cost, and non financial
- What is unique,
innovative or technologically different?
- What is the perceived
value of your product versus what your product actually does?
- Why will everyone
need your product or service?
- What will happen
to your customers if they don't buy your product or service?
- Who says this
is a good investment?
Business Plan
Do's and Don'ts
- DO keep the business
plan as short as possible without compromising the description of your
venture and its potential. (See executive summary below) Remember venture
investors are not patient readers.
- DON'T over-diversify
your venture. Focus your attention on 1 or 2 key products or services.
- DON'T have unnamed,
mysterious people on your management team. A "Mr. G. who is CFO
of XYZ, Corp." who will join your company later.
- DON'T describe
technical products or manufacturing processes with jargon that only
an expert can understand.
- DON'T estimate
your sales on the basis of what you can or would like to produce.
- DON'T make ambiguous,
vague or unsubstantiated statements. Be precise about market size, rates,
- DO involve your
management team in the preparation of the business plan.
See our
Special Reports for a complete
20 page summary of every question we have ever been asked by any type of
funding source on business plans.
goal is to provide you the best funding tools available and to get your
funded quickly."
McCready, CEO
Venture Planning Associates,
of the hundreds of sites offering business plan products and services, your VenturePlan
site is among the best, if not the best. "
Mike Rischard CPA, President, Agilecor

we received first round funding ($5 million) the VC firm asked us to show
how our financial models were created. They wanted to use OUR TEMPLATE (which
we developed from the 7 Venture Capital Reports) to help them evaluate alternative
scenarios for their portfolio companies!" Michael
.Lay, CFO, e-Commerce Internet Company
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